Additional features

Discover the wide range of additional features
Our controllers can be adapted to a wide range of applications and equipped with various additional features.
Safety zone
Where necessary, the safety zone can be activated and a different speed can be defined for the downward movement. When the set height is reached, the controller stops the movement until the button is pressed again. The movement is then continued at the other speed.
Occupancy message
If a controller is equipped with GyroSense, it can be recognized whether the table is occupied or not.
The occupancy status is then output via BLE, WIFI or Modbus or can be queried by the controller.
Suitable power strip
A power strip can be plugged directly into the controller. It is equipped with local plug inserts and ideally complements the controllers: One power outlet is sufficient to operate the controller and other devices on the desk. It is also possible to connect multiple power strips together.